Finding Help
Most of us go through life solving our day-to-day problems without needing help to cope with our feelings. But sometimes, things can get out of hand. A severe illness, an accident or an emotional crisis can overwhelm us, at least temporarily, and suddenly we need help.
How do you know if you need help?
Sometimes the need for help is obvious, and getting it is as simple as phoning for an ambulance or a fire truck. At other times, it can be hard to admit help is needed. This is especially true when your emotions are involved. The problem may be anything from what to do about an aging parent to a serious emotional problem such as depression. Here are some of the reasons you may decide you need help:
You find yourself feeling overwhelmed by feelings of anger or despair, and you cannot enjoy life anymore.
You used to be healthy, but now you are always feeling a bit sick and you are missing more and more time from work.
Your finances are out of control, and you are worried about being able to pay the next month’s rent.
You cannot “get over” the death of someone you loved.
There is too much conflict at home.
You are drinking too much or having some other kind of drug problem.
You are feeling suicidal.
How can you find help?
In addition to CMHA East Central, here are a number of organization you can turn to for help:
Health Link : 811
Mental Health Helpline : 1-877-303-2642
AHS Addiction and Mental Health : 780-679-1241
St. Mary Hospital : 780-679-6100
Open Door : 780-679-6803
Neighbor Aid/Food Bank : 780-679-3220
Changing Ways : 780-679-7757
Camrose & District Support Services : 780-672-0141
Camrose Help Book :
City Lights Church : text the word “meals” to 587-602-0910